Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's Been a Long Week

Midterms are finally over! YAY! Finally some time to breath! After my last mid-term I went and saw High School Musical 3. Oh yes, I am a sucker for those shows--I have seen every one of them. I wasn't alone however, my fiance and my two little sisters came along. Even though the movie has only been out for a few days, we were the only ones in the theatre which was amazing--no little screaming children to ruin the movie.

School is great, I've met with a counselor from the Communications program three times this week and now I am officially a Public Communications major! Go me! I am really excited to begin my classes next fall, and if I can stick to it I will be done with my Bachelor's Degree in less than two years!

Overall, it's been a long week, but its been all in good fun.

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